

Monday 18 April 2011

Audit of Political Engagement - 2011

The Hansard Society has produced its eighth annual "Audit of Political Engagement". I usually attend the launch at Westminster, but other engagements meant I missed it this year. However the report has now arrived - another perk of membership of the Hansard Society. [I have been a member now for 20 years - I thoroughly recommend joining - whether you are a student of law or politics; interested in how Westminster works; a political activist; or a citizen concerned about the most effective way to run government. Membership ensures that you are regularly informed of what the Society is doing - and includes access to their publications. For the parliamentary scholar - "Parliamentary Affairs" is a must - membership details are available here. Details of recent publications are available here.]

The encouaraging news is that interest in politics - and knowledge - is growing! - but satisfaction with Parliament continues to decline. The report contains, as ever, a detailed analysis of a poll carried out by Ipsos MORI, conducted at the turn of the year. There is much for 'politicians' and scholars to reflect upon.